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artisan keycap, keycaps, painted keycap, scifi, Star Wars, Storm Trooper -

We've been eager to announce this one, managed to get this new artisan keycap out for the May the 4th Star Wars internet event. A new keycap themed around Storm Troopers that have been on the bad end of a rebel blaster. Skull Troopers? Sure! We've been big fans of Star Wars, the movies, shows and games for sure. Heck even if the movie isn't great there's always something great in it (ship designs and music for sure!).  I grew up playing a lot of X-Wing and Tie Fighter and of course Dark Forces! It was really awesome to get...

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Hey y'all. Mike here and we've heard from a few people who want more RGB options. So we're not only going to focus on that for future products but we're also going to be adding them to our skulls. Effective, well- SOON.  You can buy them right now if you buy the normal skull and just leave the note "RGB version please!". Right now we're working on getting all the photos sorted (color corrected, have to retake a few), but we are making them right now! Also new Jack-o'-lantern keycap! And as I said RGB is a focus for our...

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Hey everyone,  It's been a while since our last post, 2020 was a heck of a year and we're glad to see it gone. We're looking to start 2021 with something familiar but fueled by feedback. We underestimated the demand for RGB on artisan keycaps, we had many emails asking about RGB compatible skulls and we heard you loud and clear!  RGB skull keycaps with glowing eyes!  Pretty excited about these, they look so good!  In addition, we hopefully should be having more other merch going up. Just recently added a shirt I made to the store featuring the cast of Breath...

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We've been hard at work making our new items!  It's the best boi, good boi from Monster Hunter World! Dodogama! We've got a few options in the works, a keycap, a gold painted keycap, a figure & possibly more! . . . Certainly more. His mouth is open to let your keyboards RGB show through!  We're painting them up this week they'll be available for a limited time!  Why Dodogama? Genuinely a monster I love from the game. Big ol' blue sleepy boy that's just great. Passive so he won't bite your ass when you're gathering or hunting. Though, there...

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first product, Grand opening, introduction, keycaps, social media, twitter -

Hello everyone,  Welcome to our new store! The store may be new but, my brother and I are experienced artists who've been selling our art for years. It runs in the family! My brother, Brian is a musician who's got a long history with painting and sculpting. He'll be handling the sculpts and paints. He's done many custom sculpts in 3D and physical models. He's an avid drummer, guitarist & has many albums under his belt.  I'm Mike your store running goon who's a computer enthusiast and will be doing the talking on the store. As for me I'm a comic...

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